Wow!! I can't believe that we moved to Oregon and back-and from my blog you would never know it!! That's a little embarrassing. Well, It's been a week since we drove a
Uhaul truck, our friend Todd's truck pulling our little car, and our van from Springfield to
Las Vegas. It was a long trip and it took a few days to recover, but we made it. I wish I could say enough to those who have helped us make it back here. For the most part it was friends and family who really didn't want us to move away from them, but they were loving, and unselfish enough to help us get back to the place we really feel at home. So another big Thank You to all those who have helped-you know who you are!!!!
The kids have been loving it here. Of course it helps that they got a one week extension on their summer! (It has just been too chaotic to have them go to school until this coming Monday. They got plenty of swimming time-and hanging out with old friends time though!) Parker is set to be in Ms.Guido's class and Justin in Ms.Staples class. We will be sure to get pics of their first day up and some pics of their new school!
Audrey doesn't have any preschool plans for the year just yet. We are just going to have to wait and see what happens with work for Jake and I. She does miss her preschool in Oregon (
Rockwood Montessori) and we will all be missing her teacher Mary. She is the best!! She has been spending a lot of time with her little friend
Makayla and they have been having a lot of
girly fun!
Jake was able to get TV set up at our house, which is a pretty big deal since we haven't had it for about 18mos. He is hoping to see all of the duck games he can, and of course to keep up with every other college football game this season =).
I have been having a pretty good week, excluding last night, but I'll get to that. First I want to tell all those who don't know, that our
friends Todd and
Drea, who we met when we lived here before, came all the way to Oregon just to help us with our move. We found a house to rent that is practically across the street from them, and they have continued to help us while we have been here. They have three children; Bailey,
Makayla, and Kirk. They already have their hands full but they are so good to us that they have been taking the kids I think everyday, for
at least a few hours, if not for most of the day, just to make it easier for us to settle in. So it has been easier!! What wonderful friends they are-we are just so grateful to have them in our lives.
So grateful in fact that we can't get enough of them and had to do a double date last night when we rounded up a babysitter for the kids. Dinner was great, but that's where the story gets interesting, and why I wanted to post something new today. It's a lot to explain over the phone so hopefully I will explain it well enough, and if anyone has questions, they can of course call and I will do my best to answer.
So as we were leaving, I went to the restroom. Without too many details, I was pretty sure that after what I found, that I was in the middle of a miscarriage. Todd rushed us to the hospital where they did all the routine tests, all the while, I was having a really hard time. Like I said, I was sure enough that it was a miscarriage, that I was trying to prepare myself for the news, and to figure out how I was going to tell my friends and family, but most important, I was trying to figure out how to tell my children-again. The ultrasound technician isn't supposed to tell me anything, so she didn't, she simply turned up the volume and let me hear the sweet sound of a fetal heartbeat!! I was so relieved!! I came out and told Jake and our
friends the good news and from there we were all just hoping to hear that everything was just a fluke. We were at ease and almost expecting by then to find out that it was just a blood clot that had passed and that everything was perfectly normal. Three long hours later, we finally got word from the doctor, that everything was not
ok-but that it was a
Subchorionic Hemorrhage. Basically, it is a possible
miscarriage, or threatened abortion. The placenta didn't attach correctly at the begging of the pregnancy, and left a gap
in between it and the uterine wall that collects blood. It can get complicated and detach the placenta, it can go away, or it can continue to grow and be fine, or hinder the baby's development. There are only a few of those options that we like, but as far as we know my chances at this point are 50/50. We can't go see a OB until Monday, and hopefully then we will have more news. Until then, the bleeding has stopped, the baby is
ok, and I am on
bedrest until further instruction from my OB. Jake and Todd were able to give me a blessing this afternoon, and I would like to say how grateful I am for the priesthood here in our home. I don't know what's going to happen, but because of the blessing, I do feel like I have the courage to move forward without having to be scared every moment. I will give an update like I said, on Monday, and will hopefully have a lot of good news to report. The baby is 11 weeks 4 days , and we are just praying that everything will be
Thanks for all your love and well wishes!!